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Interventions from: Gregorio Amicuzi (Residui Teatro, Spain), Luis Ibar (Cartaphilus Teatro, Mexico), Viviana Bovino (Residui Teatro, Spain), Alessandro Rigoletti y Caterina Scotti (TTB, Italy), Horacio Czertok (Teatro Núcleo, Argentina).

With the presence of the director of IIC Marialuisa Pappalardo.


when: 15th september, at 11h - 12h30

where: INSTITUTO ITALIANO DI CULTURA, C. Mayor, 86, 28013 Madrid

price: entrada libre



The art of the imposible

About the third theater

Eugenio Barba (Odin Teatret, Denmark)


when: 19th september, at 11h30 - 13h30

where: TEATRO LA ABADIA, C. de Fernández de los Ríos, 42, 28015 Madrid

price: 15€, compra tu entrada aquí:


The Bridge of Winds, an international group theater

Disciple interviews teacher Iben Nagel Rasmussen

Lina Rocca (Teatro Ridotto, Italy), Iben Nagel Rasmussen (Odin Teatret, Denmark).


when: 18th september, at 17h30

where: LA PARCERIA, C. de Martín de Vargas, 13 - Local 3, 28005 Madrid

price: 10€


Theater in exile

Horacio Czertok (Teatro Núcleo, Argentina)


when: 16th september, at 18h

where: RESAD, Av. de Nazaret, 2, 28009 Madrid

price: entrada libre


Looking for utopias through time

Ricardo Iniesta (Atalaya Teatro, Spain)


when: 18th september, de 16h30 a 18h30

where: C.A.A.E, Calle Ercilla 48, Local 3, Madrid

price: 10€


TTB " History of a group theater "

Caterina Scotti y Alessandro Rigoletti (TTB, Italy)


when: 16th september, at 16h - 17h30

where: RESAD, Av. de Nazaret, 2, 28009 Madrid

price: entrada libre


Un idea piu grande di me

Dircted by Rossella Menna

Armando Punzo (Compagnia della Fortezza, Italy)


when: 19th september, de 9h a 10h30

where: INSTITUTO ITALIANO DI CULTURA, C. Mayor, 86, 28013 Madrid

price: entrada libre



Creative principles

Masterclass with Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley

(Odin Teatret, Denmark)


when: 18th september, at 16h30 - 18h30

where: C.A.A.E, Calle Ercilla 48, Local 3, Madrid

price: 70€


Facing the inexplicable, techniques for creativity.

Luis Ibar (Cartaphilus Teatro, Mexico)


when: 16th september, at 9h - 10h30

where: SALA TARAMBANA, C. Dolores Armengot, 31, 28025 Madrid

price: 45€


Memory of the Body

Viviana Bovino, Gregorio Amicuzi

(Residui Teatro International Laboratory, Spain)


when: 17th september, at 11h - 12h30

where: SALA TARAMBANA, C. Dolores Armengot, 31, 28025 Madrid

price: 45€


The art of the actor between East and West

Caterina Scotti and Alessandro Rigoletti

(TTB, Italy)


when: 16th september, at 11h - 12h30

where: SALA TARAMBANA, C. Dolores Armengot, 31, 28025 Madrid

price: 45€


The Echo of Silence

Julia Varley

(Odin Teatret, Denmark)


when: 18th september, at 11h - 12h30

where: SALA TARAMBANA, C. Dolores Armengot, 31, 28025 Madrid

price: 45€



Group theater and community: First session

Exponents: Emilio Genazzini (Abraxa Teatro, Italy); Cleiton Pereira (Contadores de Mentiras, Brazil)


when: 15th september, at 14h30 - 16h

where: LA PARCERIA, C. de Martín de Vargas, 13 - Local 3, 28005 Madrid

price: 6€


Group theater and community: Second session

Exponents: Luca Vonella (Teatro a Canone, Italy); Zid (Netherlands)


when: 15th september, at 18h

where: LA PARCERIA, C. de Martín de Vargas, 13 - Local 3, 28005 Madrid

price: 6€


Group theater and community: third session

Exponents: Katarzyna Knychalska Fundacja Teatr Nie Taki (Polonia),  Michelangelo Campanile (La luna nel Letto, Italia)


when: 17th september, at 11h45 - 13h45

where: LA PARCERIA, C. de Martín de Vargas, 13 - Local 3, 28005 Madrid

price: 6€

Group theater and community: fourth session

Exponents: Etelvino Vázquez (Teatro del Norte, Spain); Tor Arne Ursin (Grenland Frieteater, Norway)


when: 17th september, at 14h30 - 16h

where: LA PARCERIA, C. de Martín de Vargas, 13 - Local 3, 28005 Madrid

price: 6€


Group theater and community: Fifth session

Exponents: Bárbara Luci Carvalho y Bernhard Bub (Freie Antagon TheaterAKTION, Germany),

Fabrika Athens (Greece)


when: 17th september, at 18h

where: LA PARCERIA, C. de Martín de Vargas, 13 - Local 3, 28005 Madrid

price: 6€




The flying carpet. Julia Varley (Odin Teatret, Denmark)

when: 18th september, at 21h

where: C.A.A.E, Calle Ercilla 48, Local 3, Madrid

price: 12€


Cenizas, directed by Luis Ibar (Cartaphilus Teatro, Mexico)

when: 15th september, at 20h

where: C.A.A.E, Calle Ercilla 48, Local 3, Madrid

price: 12€


Contragigantes. Horacio Czertok (Teatro Núcleo, Argentina)

when: 17th september, at 20h

where: C.A.A.E, Calle Ercilla 48, Local 3, Madrid

price: 12€


Penélope. Viviana Bovino, directed by Gregorio Amicuzi (Residui Teatro, Spain)

when: 16th september, at 20h

where: RESAD, Av. de Nazaret, 2, 28009 Madrid

price: entrada libre



Il Ponte dei Venti.

A theater pedagogy experience with Iben Nagel Rasmussen

Photography: Francesco Galli


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Group theater and community: third session
Exponents: Kasia Knychalska Fundacja Teatr Nie Taki (Polonia),  Michelangelo Campanile (La luna nel Letto, Italia)
Actualizado ( Jueves, 08 de Septiembre de 2022 19:48 )  

Area Residui Teatro


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