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Gregorio Amicuzi (english version)



Gregorio Amicuzi ( Italy):
director, actor and founder of Residui Teatro International Company, had directed and produced more than fifteen plays and several performances.
In 2014, he becomes Eugenio Barba's assistant during the creation of the play Chiaro Enigma for the 50 anniversary of Odin Teatret company.

He directed with Else Marie Laukvig (Founder of Odin Teatret) the workshop-show "Goya's women”. Actually, he works as director with Mallika Sahrabbai (Director of Darpana Company, India) in the coproduction“ Tat Tvam Asi, the difference is in dreams”.

He direct de the show  “Hambre a la carta”, a coproductin  with the french company Tortilla y Residui Teatro.
He directed the workshop EL VIVERO  with José Sanchís Sinisterra , Viviana Bovino , Hernan Gené  and  Paolo Baroni.
Actually, he lives in Madrid, where since 2009 he directs the CAAE (Centre of Craft of the Scenic Arts).
Gregorio Amicuzi is the artistic director of TTT-International meeting about theory and practice of performing arts and of BRIDGES  international theatre residence.

He has participated in numerous international festivals such as: XX MITEU 2015, V and IV FITD Ahmedabad 2015/16 ( India), Surge Madrid 2014 and 2016, A Solas, Teatros del Canal, Madrid, 2013; Festival de Teatro y Justicia Social México–D.F., 2012; Muestra de teatro independiente en teatro Arenal , Madrid-España, 2010; IV Encuentro Internacional de Arte y Paz Gernika, España, 2009; La otra Mirada, IV Encuentro internacional de Mujeres en el Teatro Sevilla- España, 2009; Wiclow Festival en Dublín- Irlanda, 2008; Festival La Alternativa en Madrid-España, 2008; Festival Mujeres Dramaturgas en Madrid-España, 2008; Università Roma Tre “La sopravvivenza del teatro” meeting with Odín Teatret, Roma-Italia, 2007; VII Encuentro Internacional del Teatro del cuerpo en Queretaro-México, 2004; Trasversalidades del Teatro en Patzcuaro-México, 2004.

Also, he has got international acknowledgements such as: joint production Grant Iberoescena 2011 with the project “Correspondencias-Un trébol Rojo en el camino”, First Price Ciudad Lineal Escena 2009, Grant of Artistic Residence in the Fabrik Potsdam 2009, Participation Grant in the 1* European course of high acting formation 2004.
He has been instructed by several Italian and international masters and he has been specialised in “Scenic presence” formation developed in Europe, America, Africa and India.

Actualizado ( Lunes, 15 de Agosto de 2016 16:27 )  

Area Residui Teatro


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