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TTT 2022 english version



TTT 2022

4th. International meeting on theory and practice of the performing arts

From September 15 to 19, 2022 in Madrid PRESENTIAL

Directed by Gregorio Amicuzi

Gregorio Amicuzi directs the 4th TTT in which the theme is "Balance and perspectives of group theater". This encounter enjoys the prestigious sponsorship and the participation of one of the most important European directors, Eugenio Barba, an international reference for the entire archipelago of groups that he himself defined as “Third Theater”.

Characterized by its clear intention to weave a dialogue between Spanish artists with artists from different parts of the world, the TTT defends a diversified programming that establishes direct contact between people, breaking the barrier between artists and public. The theater territories become viable, accessible, close and necessary to the people.





This edition will be transited by:

Teachers, teachers, artists and cultural entities. They will give master classes, workshops, work demonstrations, participation in talks, conferences and shows:

Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley (Odin Teatret, Denmark), Ricardo Iniesta García (Atalaya Teatro, Spain), Iben Nagel Rasmussen, (Odin Teatret and The Bridge of winds, Denmark) Horacio Czertok (Teatro Nucleo, Argentina-Italy), Caterina Scotti and Rigoletti Alessandro (TTB Teatro tascabile di Bergamo, Italy), Luis Ibar (Cartaphilus Teatro, Mexico), Viviana Bovino (International Residui Theater Laboratory, Spain). Etelvino Vázquez (Teatro del Norte, Spain ), Teatro Contadores de Mentira (Brazil), Teatr Brama (Poland), Stichting ZID (Netherlands), Teatro a Canone (Italy), Bárbara Luci Carvalho y Bernhard Bub (Freie Antagon TheaterAKTION, Germany), Abraxa Teatro (Italy), FABRICA ATHENS (Greece), Il Melograno y Studio (Italy), Teatro Ridotto (Italy), Tor Arne Ursin (Grenland Frieteater, Norway), Erasmus+ Program and EU CES, La Paz es una obra de Arte (University of Antioquia, Colombia), European project TONE and ACT-ABLE




The TTT is an international meeting led by Gregorio Amicuzi (LIRT, Italy), which aims to reflect on the possible paths of theater, poetry and the transformation that performing arts entail on a personal and community level.

In this 4th edition we will reflect especially on the training processes, production and creation, as well as the management strategies and in the actions developed by the collectives that are part of that archipelago that makes up the culture of "group theater". Group theatre is an artistic and community development possibility that has been developed since last century in different parts of the world.

In this post-pandemic moment, in which the vital importance of generating network/tribe against the isolation and fragmentation of projects has been recognized, we want to talk about the importance of the artistic and organizational work developed in the groups that have known, through the commitment of its members, how to invent and maintain a poetic and political discourse of theatrical work. We will also reflect on how these modalities can dialogue with the times and technological innovation in the sector.

What for?

We want to emphasize social dialogue, coexistence, inclusion, diversity and equity as great topics that we want to share through all the activities that are developed during this encounter. It is our goal to create an “immersive learning environment”

Who is it for?

Youth, adults, performing arts students (theater-dance-music-visual arts), literature and history, professionals in the performing arts or related careers and the general public.

The meeting foresees the participation of national and international artists, representatives of16 theater groups from Europe, representatives of 5 theater groups from Latin America and academics from different universities who will follow in person the integrity of the meeting.

TTT 2022 brings to Madrid some of the most representative exponents of this " group theater culture", and foresees the participation of national and international artists, representatives of 16 theater groups from Europe, representatives of 5 theater groups from Latin America and academics from different universities.

TTT 2022 proposes a program with a variety of master classes, talks, conferences, workshops, work demonstrations and shows by groups from Europe and Latin America.

The meeting will take place at the CAAE, the headquarters of the Residui Teatro International Laboratory, in the RESAD, at the TEATRO DE LA ABADIA in different cultural spaces in Madrid.


Carnet TTT: 300€ access to all activities



*Previous selection with Motivation Letter and CV.


REGISTRATION FORM TTT card (to be able to enjoy all the activities of the meeting at a reduced price):

REGISTRATION for TTT activities (to be able to attend some of the activities of the meeting):

REGISTRATION online TTT (to follow all online):



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Actualizado ( Jueves, 08 de Septiembre de 2022 19:48 )  

Area Residui Teatro


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