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Bridges, International Theatre Residence, the theatre meets the community

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Bridges, International Theatre Residence,

July 2nd – 14th 2018

Vanzago and WWF oasis in Vanzago (Milan/Italy)

Organized by:

Centre of Performing Arts and Crafts and Residui Teatro

With the support of:

Associazione wake up, Riserva Naturale Bosco WWF Vanzago, Associazione Il Delfino Onlus, U.S.D., Vanzaghese Real Mantegazza, Fondazione Ferrario, Arctia – progetti di promozione culturale, Oratorio S. Giuseppe di Vanzago, Delegazione commercianti di Vanzago, Corpo Musicale di Vanzago, Gruppo Musicanto, Coro About 500 and Comitato Valdarenne

Bridges is an anual traveling and residential theatre laboratory with the duration of 12 days (90 hours of training). Now in its third edition, Bridges was based on the idea of creating a bridge between the theatre and the local community. Offers two parallel spaces – one of the intensive investigation and creation for the actor and/or dancer, and other of interaction and creation with the local community.



On one side, the professional participants will have the opportunity to attend an intensive and highly specialized theatrical laboratory that will allow them to expand and deepen their knowledge of different techniques coming from theatrical traditions of both Europe and Orient. On the other hand, the members of the local community where the residence is held will be invited to participate in some training sessions and to take active part in the final show.
In the mornings the professionals will be working in contact with the nature, in the WWF oasis in Vanzago (Milan). There they will practice the techniques of yoga, physical theatre, dance and singing, whereas in the rehearsal room they will work on text and practice dance-theatre techniques.
The afternoons will be reserved for creative work, the professionals will use theatrical improvisation, manipulation of the objects, collective dramaturgy, choreographic composition and singing.
The contact with the local community will be established spontaneously, by living the public spaces. The intergenerational exchange is also encouraged during the different artistic activities proposed to the local population willing to participate, regardless of age and health condition. The emphasis will be put on the cultural trick1, the local traditions and the requests that come directly from the local population.
In addition to this, the members of the local community interested in the event will be invited to participate in the afternoon sessions. In these sessions they will do theatrical activities, with the professional participants. The aim is to create cohesion and connectedness within the group and develop group scenic material proposals.   
The creative work will culminate in the preparation and presentation of the final show in the local village (itinerant or in a specific zone of the village).

The main theme of the artistic work:
This year the theme of the Bridges residence is “Metamorphosis”.
Both the professionals and participants coming from the local community will be invited to reflect on this year’s theme, to gather experiences, texts and images connected to the subject.
The specific goals of the residence are as follows:
To offer the participants tools from high theatrical formation that can be useful in defining a versatile professional profile
To use the art as a tool of personal and community transformation.

Directed by:
Gregorio Amicuzi (Residui Teatro, Spain-Italy) – directing and physical theatre
Viviana Bovino (Residui Teatro, Spain-Italy) – dance-theatre and singing

Trainer Invited:
Keiin Yoshimura (Japan)
Keiin Yoshimura is a Japanese multifaceted artist, dancer of the ancient Japanese dance Kamigata-mai, one of the few women who have performed at Noh Theatre, singer of Gidayu-bushi (storytelling in the Bunraku), actress at Kyogen theatre, and musician of Shamisen. She is a teacher and has an extended knowledge of Shodo (Japanese Calligraphy), Kendo (martial art with a cane), Kyudo (martial art), Waka (poems in 31 syllables) and Haiku (poems in 17 syllables).
Kein Yoshimura developes several collaborative projects with European artists, attempting to create bridges between Orient and West. She participates in the 2018 Theatre Olympiads in India, she is one of the artists of Magdalena Project and is one of the trainers invited by Eugenio Barba to participate in the 2016th edition of ISTA.

Program of the workshop:
The laboratory will explore the work process of the actors/dancers, focusing on 4 topics for reflection:
The bridge between the training and the creation;
The bridge between the different disciplines;
The bridge between Oriental and Western theatrical cultures;
The bridge between theatre and community.

The work sessions will be from 8:00 am until 1:00 pm, and from 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm and will entitle:

Training and Creation directed by Gregorio Amicuzi and Viviana Bovino
Breathing and sensorial anatomy/Yoga;
Physical and plastic exercises/ rhythmic exercises;
Body percussion;
Vocal training: prosody (volume, intonation, pause, segmentation) and the search for the organic, singing and for the speaking voices;
Bases of acrobatics for actors/dancers;
Training method “Unknown Dance”, physical principles that generate dance and action in movement, a holistic approach to the body;
Relationship between dance and song;
Dance-theatre techniques and interaction with the urban/rural/natural space;
Manipulation of objects;
Physical and vocal improvisations;
Creation of the physical and vocal structures/choreographies;
Creation of collective and individual choreographies;
Character creation;
Creation in relation to urban/rural or natural space;
Staging a show.

Training and Creation with Keiin Yoshimura
"My great Master of Noh theatre, Izumi Mikawa, used to tell me: Forget your ego. Identify your co-existence with the harmony of nature. This is Wa no Kokoro.”
Keiin Yoshimura
The Kamigata-mai dance was born and developed in the region of Japan, Kamigata (Kyoto-Osaka) in the sixteenth century. It is based on the traditional Noh and Kyogen and it takes some elements of Bunraku. Although Noh, Kyogen and Bunraku are usually played by men, the Kamigata-mai dance is performed mainly by women. During the workshop will be studied: the principles of the dance Kamigata-mai, meridian’s alignment using the method Motoyama, Tandem respiration and Zen meditation.

The work sessions will be directed in: English, Italian and Spanish.

In some afternoons will be organized complementary activities such as:
Screening of demonstration work videos;
Participation in the activities organized by the local community.
Meeting/interview with the guest artist Keiin Yoshimura.
Sightseeing at the historical centre/ oasis WWF in the company of the local guides (in Spanish and English).

Participants are required to:

Fill in the application form;
Upload CV and motivational letter in the application form, until June 25th.;
Bring a text related to the theme Metamorphosis. Upload and learn it by heart;
Choose a lullaby, working or popular songs related to the theme (upload the text or link and learn it by heart);  
Bring four illustrations, paintings or pictures related to the theme. Upload and bring them in hard print;
Bring comfortable clothes for the training sessions both indoors and outdoors (trainers, comfortable long trousers (ankle length), etc.);
Bring “special” clothes and comfortable shoes that may be used for the final show;
Bring musical instruments and props that you would like to use in the final show.

Inscription fee and deadline:

The residential laboratory costs 295€ (90 hours of training).
(250€ for participants from Eastern Europe, 265€ for the students or ex-students of annual courses of Residui Teatro).
The fee includes all the activities in the residential laboratory.
The accommodation and food will be provided by the association/community that  collaborates in the project.
For the participants who do not need the accommodation and food, but want to participate in the residence, the fee is 200€ (it includes only the cost of the residence).
The bank transfer is done to the following IBAN ES64 2038 1179 4360 0053 6424. In the receipt’s description put your name and the reference ‘booking for  BRIDGES residency’;
The receipt of the bank transfer must be uploaded in the application form.
The application deadline is June 25th.

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1 The culturaltrick” or “baratto” is a method of exchange that was established in the 1970s by the famous Odin Teatret company during a project in Sardinia. The actors of the company performed their show for a small community. At the end of the show, the members of the local community have decided to thank the actors by teaching them traditional dances and songs of their region. This extraordinary event has nowadays become a practice in Community Theatre for all the companies, like Residui Teatro, that follow the method of the Theatre of Reciprocity developed by Odin Teatret. Residui Teatro is one of the companies that in 2016 started a network of European professional cultural institutions that see theatre as a tool of personal and social transformation.


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