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Carnet TTT y descuentos

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Carnet T – El intelecto:

Acceso a todas mesa redondas y ponencias / Access to all panel discussions and presentations. 15 euros


Carnet TT – La emoción:

Acceso a todas demostraciones de trabajo, espectáculos, Documentales y conciertos / Access to all work demonstrations, performances and documentaries.  50 euros


Carnet TTT – el Cuerpo:

Acceso a todos talleres (excepto Encuentro con directores de Eugenio Barba y taller con Paolo Baroni)/ Access to all workshops (except for “Meetings with directors” by Eugenio Barba and workshop with Paolo Baroni) 500 euros


Carnet TTTodo – El teatro:

Acceso a todas actividades (Excepto Encuentro con directores de Eugenio Barba y taller con Paolo Baroni)/ Access to all activities (except for “Meetings with directors” by Eugenio Barba and workshop with Paolo Baroni) 540 euros


Access to all activities (except for “Meetings with directors” by Eugenio Barba and workshop with Paolo Baroni) 540 euros

* In order to participate in the activities of Centro de Artesanía de las Artes Escénicas, you need to acquire the carnet of socio of Residui Teatro. It costs 3 euros and it is renovated at the beginning of each year. Support us in the project!

**Previous selection with Motivation Letter and CV.


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